The dust's finally settled from the chaos of the past few weeks, and there's time to draw plenty again at last! At the start of each month from now on, I'll drop an update here on the goings on, and while at it, also share a selection of WIPs that are currently closest to completion! No snails, though, can't spoil where they are until it's done, can we, now? :> I'm thinking of opening Commisions again on a later date, until then, stay tuned!
A fan-art of Hotaru being teased a Demon Girl and her cohorts!
The cutest characters silly Tekah rendered. It proceeds quite well, everything is where it should be and it's ready to color once I've smoothed out all the line art!
Draebabes vs Henchbabes
A quicker, brutal picture of many more big Butcher-goats duking it out gloriously just like in 300! I still have more characters to add in here and there, and to finish all the line art, and this too should be ready for coloring pretty soon!
Some older, much requested bitey-humping scene! Halfway in, I realized certain things aren't looking as right as I'd like them to be, but once I've ironed out all the problems here it should be good to go for coloring :3